I constantly have to ask myself that question...what day is it here and what day is it back at home? It kind of feels like living in 2 different worlds at times - the one we are presently in, and the one we came from and are longing to get back to!
I'll tell you - I CANNOT wait to get back to western bathrooms!!! I am so sick of the squatty-potties, and even when there are western toilets here...the women still tend to squat over them, leaving a combination of shoe prints and urine on the toilet seats!! YUCK! I know it's probably more than you wanted to know, but trust me...much better for you to read it than I have had to experience it. With a three year old toddler who has a propensity to drink a lot of liquids and a small bladder, I have seen way more Chinese bathrooms than I ever would have preferred. If I never see another one again in my life, it's just fine by me!
Well, onto today's agenda: this morning we were taken to a "park" which our guide Rosa said we would a "botanical garden" back home. It was very green, very colorful, and very pretty with a huge variety of plants and flowers. I think Dan took a picture every 5 feet or so - seriously!! Whatever he posts on here is a minute fraction of what he has taken. I think he should put everything he has photographed into a (large) picture book and sell them to help pay off our adoption debt! :) (scroll down to the bottom for more text and even more pictures...)
After being at the garden for a few hours, we were brought back to the hotel, and that ended our day's planned activities. A group of us headed for McDonald's and after lunch we came back to our room for some down time. Last night Bethany soaked her bedding and jammies, and I think it was mostly because she was so tired from the past week. So, after some play-doh time, we put her to bed for some quiet time. Dan and I managed to briefly snooze as well, so we all got a little extra rest today.
Some of our friends came by for a chat in the late afternoon, and then we met up at 4:30 to walk to an outside cafe that served Korean food. Dan had a hot pot, and I munched on a little of his meal and some of Bethany's spinach soup. I'm really not hungry the past several days...not because I'm sick, but because I'm just tired of all of the different foods. I am really craving a chef salad right now, but it's not terribly safe to eat fresh produce here...the rule is, if you can peel it, it's ok.
Anyway, we had a nice time at dinner, and then we picked up some goodies from a bakery on the way back to the hotel and hung out at the Andersons room, which we have jealously labeled "the Presidential Suite." It's a lot larger than the rest of our rooms, so it's a nice place for a number of us to congregate and let the kids play. Bethany hasn't been too interested in interacting with the other kids much. She spent time playing with a baby doll, rocking it and feeding it. This would correspond with what we were told about her, that she likes to be a caretaker.
Some of us adults spent some time talking about the lack of "gentleness" and inhibition in these kids. It's pretty interesting...Bethany can be pretty dainty and particular and focused in some areas, but then she can be rough and abrupt in others. A couple of the words we constantly find ourselves saying to her are "gentle" and "careful." She actually slapped Dan in the face tonight...not in a malicious or naughty way, but just because she was being a bit wild and crazy.
We are now ending our day, getting ready for bed. Bethany has gone to bed very easily the last 3-4 nights. We lay her down with a book and her doll and she's out within minutes. Hopefully, this will continue when we get home!!
Tomorrow we have Bethany's required medical appointment and then more time on Shamian Island for shopping. We are hoping to connect for dinner with the Bjorlins, the other family here from Minnesota that has been in the other travel group this whole time. Four more nights here until we can come home - I can't wait. Please continue your prayers for our safety...we really appreciate them. We give thanks each and every night we are here for our family and our friends, and for God's provision to us and to Bethany as we get to know each other.
Love from China, Becky (and Dan)
Hey Hays. What a wonderful trip you are experiencing.
Looking forward to meeting Bethany.
Looks like the same park we went to last week. Definately worth a lot of picture taking. Not really a great place for a 3 year old ;) How about we make it a double album to sell as I have many "extra" pictures myself and we could use the $ help as well. Excited to catch up with you guys tonight.
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