Dan here,
Can't sleep, I guess its the upcoming travel. I feel compelled to talk about the many ways that God has blessed our journey. The most obvious evidence of that is through the people he placed along the way. We were glad to have shared part of the journey with all in our travel group, the Wades, Andersons, Davidsons, Rexroads and our guides Rosa, Maggie and Glen.
Most notably our travel partners and now friends the Grimaldis. They have been a great encouragement, comedic relief and shoulder to lean on as we've navigated this foreign land. We've been greatly blessed to have them with us for the entire journey. Hopefully we've been an encouragement to them as well. Here are a few moments captured along the way...
God bless you all as you go home tomorrow, keep the faith!
We are SO excited for you! Finally you are able to have your complete family all together. We pray that you have a safe trip and a smooth transition once you get home. I bet you can't wait to hug those 3 boys!!!
The Gibbs Family
Dan & Becky,
We had the time of our lives with you! You blessed our hearts so much, provided untold hours of amusement....witnessed the "birth" of our daughter & we yours- priceless. We look forward to many fun times together in the future!
Love Darryl, Sharon & Liliah
It was great to see the new family picture. I bit crowded... but perfect! Keep us posted on how things are going so that we know what to be praying for. Leia sends her love especially to Chewie! He would always have a home here with us if necessary. But, we'll be praying that Bethany sees him for the lovable fur-ball he is, very soon! Love you all. XOXO
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