Wednesday, January 7, 2009

adoption, china

Well, I did what was one of the hardest things in my life earlier today. I left my boys, and won't see them for 15 days!! Of course I was very emotional, but I got through it and now I can focus my attention on the trip tomorrow. Oh, I'm sure I'll have some tears from time to time throughout our trip about missing them, but I know they'll be well taken care of and will have lots of fun. The issue is with me, and with my maternal need to "control" what happens in their lives, to protect them from all hurt and harm, and to meet their every need. Yes, God isn't finished with me yet...especially in this area of "letting go." Well, hopefully I've made one small step in the right direction by going to China and leaving them completely in His loving hands.

So now we are going to be up most of tonight, packing, emailing, finalizing, praying, and who knows what else! Hopefully we will be tired enough tomorrow that we can sleep a large chunk of the almost 14 hours from Chicago to Beijing!!

Thanks again for all of the prayers and words of encouragement you have left us on email, facebook, and voicemail. It really puts this control-freak, worst-case-scenario mom's heart at rest knowing we are being uplifted in prayer by so many people. We are so blessed.


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