Our last day here in Nanning has been a little slower-paced. We have spent a little time getting some last-minute paperwork finished, including securing Bethany's passport. Glen took us to a marketplace this morning to shop and "hang with the locals" and then we grabbed some lunch at KFC...not quite the kind we have though! At lunch and shortly after, we experienced Bethany's strong will we've heard about, and we had a little bit of a tantrum. It was mostly due to exhaustion, and she fell asleep in my arms on our walk home. She awakened back at the hotel and was sad for a few minutes, calling for her foster mother, but with some distraction she quickly recovered and has been silly and jabbering all afternoon. She can be quite loud at times, so she'll fit in well with the boys. :)
Glen is translating the memory books we got from the Orphanage Director earlier this week, so I am anxious to read through the details of her first 3 years of life. Today at lunch he was telling me some of what he remembered as he works on it, such as "she is very stubborn and is always wanting her way" and "she takes care of everyone at school, making sure they are doing what they are supposed to." Sounds like a pretty strong girl to me!! (And maybe a little bit like her mother??) He also said that the papers say that she is very clever and enjoys doing detail work, such as putting beads on a string.
We ended our day by walking to the People's Park for some play time and cool air, and ended up taking a little boat ride. After some "on-the-job self-training," Dan and Darryl figured out how to maneuver our watercraft around the very green lake. We then walked back to the hotel, ordered room service, and began packing for our flight out to Guangzhou tomorrow.
Some of you have asked if this is real for us yet...that we will be bringing her home to MN. In a way, it isn't yet, because this isn't our "real life" right now. She is with us, but she is still in her culture with familiar sights, sounds, food, language, etc. We're pretty sure she thinks our home is a hotel room! And we don't feel at home here... I am trying to think in my mind of how things will work when we get back to our boys and our home, but I really am trying not to have any expectations. Those of you who know me well know that I would like nothing more than to hit the ground running, returning to the normal routine when we get home, but I know that can't happen. It will be a new normal, and although I am dying to know what that will be, God is asking me to "be still" and wait. Grrrrr....it's that lesson in patience and His timing again!! I just might have a tantrum like Bethany did earlier today. :)
Thanks for checking in on us again. We continue to enjoy and are encouraged by your comments and notes.
Lots of love, Becky (and Dan and Bethany)
Once again, the first thing I do in the morning is read your blog...what am I going to do when your get back :) Praying for your day and travel. So much adjustment for you all - I am sure it all feels so surreal. Praying that God will continue to bless, provide and be in the midst. Love, Julie
If there is one thing I know for sure about us women, we like to have a plan! Another thing I know, things don't go according to our plan, but to God's plan. Sometimes the plans align, sometimes, they don't. But one things for sure, all things work together for good and according to His purpose. I will be praying for patience for you all. I hope your traveling goes well and will look forward to hearing more from you soon.
Lots of love!
P.S. No great news here yet, we're doing a lot of waiting, praying, and hoping most days. I know the tantrum feeling Becky. Though I may be disappointed, I'm not discouraged. My hope is in the Lord!
This is a great way to share your experience! We are so excited for you all and you remain in our prayers and thoughts often. We will pray for all of the adjusting on everyones part.
You model courage, obedience and faith to us all!
God Bless, Linda Emanuelson
It is so fun to read your blog. It seems like we were just there and yet it has already been 9 months!! Wow. It looks like you guys are having pretty decent weather. You have missed out on a very cold spell here in Minnesota. It was 21 below 0 this morning. The kids had a 2 hour late start for school. We continue to pray for you and Bethany's adjustment. You will really like Guangzhou. It is really pretty. Take Care,
Cindy Palmer
Becky and Dan,
Is there anyway that you could stay in China for a little while longer? I really enjoy reading your blogs from there and seeing all of the pictures of your day. (smile) Well, seriously, I guess you better come back...we all miss you and especially your boys! I hope you continue to have a great time there. You might not ever get back there, so enjoy every minute even though you miss your boys and home. It will be interesting who will win the battle of the wills between Becky and Bethany. Take care and keep writing. God is with you!!! Love Tim (and Roxy)
I love reading your blog. Your little girl is so cute and sweet.
I noticed you also visited my blog today and I notice that you live in Balitmore Maryland. I grow up in the City in Balitmore and all of my family still live there.
in Fl
I have enjoyed reading through your journey. What a testimony of faith and obedience. You are blessing many! Thanks for sharing this journey. Your family is in my prayers as your trip continues and when you return and all the tranistions. Our God is so Great!Kaydene Almquist
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