Friday, January 2, 2009

6 more days...gotta get packing!

Well, I am procrastinating the packing ordeal. I have a collection of "stuff" spread out across Bethany's room, but there is no sense of order or completeness to it yet. The hard part is having everything we need/want with us, but "packing light" as is recommended at the same time. Fifteen days is a long time to be gone!! Monday is our travel conference call, so hopefully we will get a lot of direction and inspiration then.

I am struggling with the emotional issue of leaving my 3 boys behind as our departure date draws close. "Aren't you so excited?!" is the common question I get these days, and I am, but I am also very anxious and a little sad that I will be away from my 3 little princes at the same time. I think the anticipation of this whole overwhelming experience is messing with my mind and my emotions. I keep meditating on Joshua 1:9, Philippians 4:6-7, and 1 Peter 5:8 when the worrisome thoughts take over. Hopefully those thoughts will all melt away when our plane leaves the ground next Thursday.

Oh yeah...Happy New Year!


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