Hi! Well, yes, we have not been great on keeping you posted with the blog. However, Bethany's surgery is this Friday, April 17th, so the activity will pick up a bit as we post items relating to her surgery and recovery. So, stay tuned and check in from time to time!
We are finally through the "birthday season" here at our house, with Toby's occuring April 1st. Since he is just 4, we didn't have too big a "party." Grandpa and Grandma Hay, and Aunt Julie and the girls joined us at Chuck E. Cheese to do the games for about an hour, and to have cake and presents. Then we went to Broadway Pizza for dinner (Chuck's Pizza is expensive and yucky!) and back to our house for a bit! It was all very exciting for him and the other kids, and very overwhelming and tiring for us grown-ups!
Birthday song for Toby.
Monday Trent and Matthew return to school for 4th quarter, after having their 3 week spring break. I wish I could say it was a relaxing break, but with my work schedule, sickness that went through all 4 kids, yearly well-checks and other scheduled appointments, and swimming lessons that started a few weeks ago, it was quite hectic. I think the boys were glad to have the break, however, and are looking forward to finishing up their years! It's hard to believe Trent will be going all day next year! I will really miss him.
Our dear friends the McGraws recently gave us their piano (Thank you again!!!!) and Matthew is chomping at the bit to start lessons. I think we will wait until the fall, though. In the meantime, he has taken all of his recorder music from school and plunked it out on the piano. He loves sitting on the bench and playing around with notes. Let's hope his enthusiam continues once the lessons start!! All this time Dan and I have been waiting and hoping that he would sing...but it just may be that instrumental music is going to be his niche!
Bethany continues to do very well. She is very demanding of attention and tests boundaries fairly regularly, but she is happy and comfortable in her family! She is eating and sleeping well, and is trying out a lot of English. We are so glad her surgery will be over soon so that we can start speech therapy! There is a lot of things she is saying that we just can't understand...even though we belives she is using mostly English, or a combination of Cantonese and English. She now knows the camera is for smiling, and poses and grins the minute she sees one out! We took formal pictures at JC Penneys last week, and she did a great job! We can't wait to get them back and post them for you.
All dressed up for pictures. She's still not sure about dresses as you can probably tell...
Today we did our Easter egg and basket hunt at home, since I am working all morning into the early afternoon tomorrow at church. Tomorrow afternoon we are spending with our long-time good friends, the Hartmann family, which we are really looking forward to. Between our 2 families, we have 9 kids, so there will be a lot of activity!!
Despite our busy schedule, we have tried to focus on our Savior this week and the sacrifice He made so that we can live eternally in heaven with Him someday. We are reminded daily of our need and dependence on Him, and are so thankful for His gift to us! God's blessings to you on the most beautiful and wonderful of days tomorrow!
In HIS Joy, Becky for the hayfam6
1 comment:
We will be praying for Behtany's surgery!
Missing our travel buddies,
The Wade family
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