Well, I have a few things to tell about, but I don't have the pictures to back them up - yet!
First off, Bethany and I were treated to a simply unbelievable "Welcome Home" shower last Saturday - complete with all kinds of treats, gifts and ladybug decorations galore! About 25 people showed up at our church to celebrate Bethany's arrival and "shower" us with love and goodies...clothes, accessories, and lots and lots of great books!! My dear friends Denise, Julie and Gina orchestrated the grand event, and Julie, who is a fabulous photographer, took all of the pictures. I haven't gotten them from her yet, but when I do, I will post some. So tune in! We continue to be blessed by so many and are yet again reminded of God's provision for our family.
Week 2 of being back to work went by quickly but smoothly. It is quite exhausting juggling 4 kids, work, and all of the extra stuff every family does with volunteering and activities...and then it was my birthday this week too...but I am just trying to take one day at a time and see what God has planned for each day. We aren't supposed to sleep much during our 30's anyways, right? Gina and Julie took me out for drinks and appetizers on my birthday after a school meeting, and Dan and I went to dinner on Friday night while our good friends Tim and Roxy played with and cared for the 4 kids.
On Friday Bethany started a gymnastics class, which she will do the next 6 weeks until her surgery. She has such a little gymnast body, and she has tons of energy and flexibility! She loved it and it was funny watching her...she wasn't the best at staying with the group, since she was so excited to try everything out, but the teacher said she listened very well for her first time in this setting. I will try to get a picture of her in her little leotard and shorts next week to post that as well.
This coming week Dan is gone a few days on business...please pray for safe travels, as he will be flying in one of those little commuter planes. YUCK! I am not happy about the arrangement but no one consulted with me on it. :) I have conferences for the 2 older boys this week but that's about it for excitement. Next Friday we'll head to Sioux Falls for a family shower for Bethany on Saturday. March is a busy month for us but we are all healthy and are thankful for all of the many blessings we experience by God's grace every day.
Thanks for checking in on us...drop us a note, please! Lots of love, Becky for the Hay family 6.